Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Abstract studies

Three abstract studies. Acrylic on polypropylene table mat.

Continuing with the learning of Gerhard Richter's style of applying paint.
Here instead of canvas I used a plastic table mat with diagonal ridged texture and paint is applied using an old creditcard.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Head 2012

Charcoal and acrylic medium on paper

Charcoal and acrylic medium on paper

Head 2012

Charcoal and acrylic medium on paper

Untitled 2011

Acrylic on paper

Untitled 2011

acrylic on paper

Untitled 2011

acrylic on paper

Untitled 2011

acrylic on paper

Untitled 2011

acrylic on paper

Untitled 2011

acrylic on paper

Untitled 2011

acrylic on paper

Untitled 2011

acrylic on paper

NightUnderTheStars 2011

acrylic on paper


acrylic on paper

Fall 2011

acrylic on paper

Dance 2009-2011

acrylic on paper

Ravi 2012 work in progress

acrylic on canvas

Dedicated to Khasakkinte Ithihaasam the seminal work by O.V.Vijayan.
This work is a total departure from my usual process of painting. The background was done (very consciously) by a method borrowed from Gerhard Richter in which numerous layers of paint was scraped across the canvas. The image of Ravi and the Snake was drawn as an inbetween layer. This is one rare instance in my practice that i went very conscious and literal. Like an illustration for the last scene of the novel.


acrylic on canvas


acrylic on canvas

Head 2001-2009

acrylic on canvas

Crown 2011

acrylic on canvas

Crow 2002-2011

acrylic on canvas

Bloodline 2010

acrylic on canvas

Being 2010-2011

acrylic on canvas


acrylic on canvas

This baby got a few touches of red and is done.
I need to photograph

Being 2010-2011

acrylic on canvas

I had kept this painting near where I paint (In the new rented house the kitchen is pretty big) for sometime to make up my mind regarding its status. Finally the decision is made and it is declared done.

Being 2011

acrylic on canvas

This painting is supposed to be complete. I feel a bit uneasy each time I look at it. Same goes for some other paintings which I have been working on and declared as finished.

Friday, February 25, 2011

King- work in progress

Inbetween w.i.p...


Being w.i.p......

Being w.i.p

Being w.i.p

Being w.i.p

Head: Sketch


I love this...need to develop this

Man and the woman

Man and the woman

Jubilation: sketch

Levitaion trick: sketch

Girl with dragonfly wing: sketch

Running away: sketch

Sad lonely women running away from their fathers, brothers, husbands and sons. I dont know where they will escape to. Do they have any place of solace in this planet?


Quick sketch done when i was in a train. All the three characters were actually miles apart. I sketched them when either the train slowed down at some crossing or stopped at some station. But somehow I liked the final composition. Here, a point I should point out is that composing a group was something which I never tried consciously. I think i should do some exercise on this.